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Why I attend QCon

Before I write the rest of my conference notes, let me talk about why I attend QConSF for two straight years, and why you should consider doing it too.

Back to QCon: Day 3

When Wesley Reisz, the conference organizer stood on the stage to introduce the closing keynote, he said he was surprised to see so many people stayed till t...



Back to QCon: Day 1

While I am writing this blog, it’s actually Day 2 of QCon. When I post it now, it’s Day 3.

What is Robert Bowers attacking

The mass shooting happened last Saturday concerns me a lot. It’s like a stab into my body. What is Robert Bowers attacking? And will he succeed?


今天周六。早上听到一条令人震惊的新闻:匹兹堡Squirrel Hill(松鼠山)的一座犹太教堂发生枪击案。目前已经死亡11人,据说现场惨不忍睹。枪手是个持强烈反犹太主义的当地男子。

